Free Mein Weight Loss With Water : Simple Tips
Saumil Sethi
2/4/20252 min read
Namaste and Welcome 😃
According to the study (Increasing water intake influences hunger and food preference, Physiol Behav. 2018 Oct); and in my personal experience as well, water has a lot of benefits like:
✅ helping us in losing excess weight,
✅ improve mental clarity/focus,
✅ reduce cravings,
other than just quenching thirst.
Proper drinking water i.e water which:
✅ Is not packed in plastic containers (microplastics issue);
✅ Hasn't had minerals removed from it (via filtration) or at least has a pinch of rock salt added to it;
has the following benefits:
✅ reduce our cravings;
✅ create a “full” feeling in our stomach;
✅ decrease body temperature (and then our body has to spend calories (burn fat) to increase the core temperature).
So, what's the simplest way to achieve all of this?
I can give you three simple tips that I have been following myself successfully:
Always drink a large glass of warm water after waking up (this will help in flushing out the toxins; our body has accumulated during the night;
Throughout the day, only take sips of water;
Minimise water intake for an hour after meals and drink as much water as you like before meals.
Following these simple tips everyday, will make you feel better and loose weight definitely.
And additionally even a little dehydration can cause a variety of ill - effects like cramps, dizziness, lack of mental focus, high blood pressure, cravings etc.
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McKay NJ, Belous IV, Temple JL. Increasing water intake influences hunger and food preference, Physiol Behav. 2018 Oct 1;194:15-22. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2018.04.024. Epub 2018 Apr 17. PMID: 29678599.
Medical disclaimer
This is not medical advice but is purely based on my experience and research over the last 7 years. I try and stay up to date with the latest information out there and have tried most of these protocols on myself first hand to evaluate their safety and efficacy.
Best Regards
Saumil Sethi